Posted on October 2, 2018 in IDI

Alberta culture days 2019



Alberta Culture Days is an opportunity to discover, experience and celebrate arts and culture through local events and activities across the province.

Burc Intercultural Centre and Intercultural Dialogue Institute (IDI) Calgary chapter hosted an magnificent event with the support of Alberta Government to celebrate the cultural richness that we have here in Alberta.

Cultural dances, unique foods and information sessions of nine countries were shown to the audience by the performers.

Cultural Minister of Government of Alberta Mrs. Leela Aheer was also one of the viewers and performers by her guitar. IDI’s celebration was selected as one of the five featured celebration sites for Alberta Culture Days-2019 from 87 different celebrations by the Government of Alberta.

With almost 500 participants in the Alberta Culture Days- 2019 celebrations, BURC Intercultural Centre and IDI did a great job by building bridges between various ethnic communities and played a vital role to emphasize the importance of Art of living together with harmony and acceptance.

Alberta Culture Days helps achieve the goals of our cultural policy, The Spirit of Alberta